Oh my! it has been a while, it's a long story: first the boutique where I was working at is closed now, so i'm an unemployed more in this city, but, the good news come now, the next week the Puebla Fashion Days will take place and there is a project called PFD Project xD and it's about 4 teams of fashion students from 3 of the best schools of the state creating a collection for several factories, so it's pretty exciting.
So here i am and this is my post
Did you see the last catwalk of Chanel? it was so rock n' roll, I totally love it, the guitars and the shopping bags, but... BUT!... the men clothes! oh my God, I fell in love with them!, I want to be a chanel boy. Usually when Lagerfeld creates men's clothes for Chanel they tend to be more sporty, but this time it totally was the essence of Chanel, someone wants to donate some money for my Chanel wardrobe?.
You might be wondering why I wrote about the PFD Project, well because I'm the chief of one of the groups, this past two weeks have been really tough, because we have been drawing, planning, building and coordinating the colecction, but it has also been very glamorous going to the photocalls, press conferences and rehearsals. I will upload the pictures of the catwalk later.
By the way I have making some graphics for the Trufa brand wich will be presented for the first time in the PFD.
And finally the true return of Britney has happened, have you checked out her last video Womanizer? it's great, and up to this point i have seen her wearing a dolce & gabbana belt in the video, and by the way, didn't you love the squared eggs? because I do.
See you next time with lots of pictures of the PFD shows.